Murano glass vases

Browse our catalogue

Explore our collection of contemporary vases, crafted using the historic Murano glassmaking techniques. Each piece features a modern and innovative design, adding a touch of elegance and artistry to your home while blending the charm of the past with the freshness of the present.

Coppa acquamare molata

Aquamarine blown glass bowl

€ 3,500.00

Vaso molato grigio

Grey blown glass vase

€ 600.00

Vaso molato rosso

Red blown glass vase

€ 600.00

blue and crystal murrine vase

Glass vase with crystal and blue murrine

€ 350.00

white and orange murrine vase

White and orange murrine glass vase

€ 350.00

black and red murrine vase

Glass vase with black and red murrine

€ 350.00

white murrine vase

Blown glass vase with white murrine

€ 350.00

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